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address Tag in HTML

Address Tag in HTML

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We know that HTML has many tags within the <html> tag and the <address> tag is one of them. Each tag carries a different usage and purpose which provides the overall structure, presentation, and functionality of a web page such as text formatting, styling, linking, etc.

Have you ever used an <address> tag? This tag is used to share contact information in an HTML document or on a website.

Definition of an <address> tag

So how do we define an <address> tag?

An <address> tag in HTML is used to define the contact information of an author/owner of a document/article/website. An address element can be a physical address, phone number, link, social media ID, etc. which can be used as contact information. The text inside the <address> element will be rendered in italics. There will be a line break which is equivalent to one <br> tag before and after the <address> element.

Where to use <address> tag

The <address> tag is straightforward and easy to learn. The only thing you need to remember is that whenever you show an address on your web document, make sure your contact information is written within the <address> tag. This will help you improve the structure of your website and may contribute toward a better SEO ranking.

You can keep your contact information or the information about an author or anyone in any part of your web document. It can be at the footer, inside/above/below an article, on a separate page, etc.

Example of an <address> tag:
           Edited by: John Bennet
           From: Washington, D.C.

The CSS of an <address> tag can be written as shown in the <style> tag below:

The <address> tag can also support the Global Attributes & Event Attributes in HTML.


An <address> tag is a simple tag just like any other tags used in HTML and it is used to provide contact information or information of an author/owner for a particular web(HTML) document or documents. It can be used in any part of the HTML. So remember to use the <address> tag whenever you share contact information. I do hope my readers will love this simple blog post. Goodbye for now. Until next time!


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