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Custom Robots.Txt Generator For Blogger


hr and br tags in html

hr and br tags

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The <hr> tag defines a horizontal rule or thematic break in an HTML page. It shows as a horizontal line. It is used to divide or separate content or a change of topic, chapter, section, etc. It doesn't require an end tag.

The <br> tag is an empty tag used to break a line in HTML text. Like the <hr> tag, the <br> tag has no end tag. According to my online research, I learned that it is generally used in poems and addresses. Despite poems and addresses, I found that the <br> tag is also used in other topics.

The <hr> and <br> tags can be also written as <hr/> and <br/> respectively.


How to fix Missing permissions in

Missing permissions in google analytics
 If you are experiencing the error show below, follow steps 1 to 4 to load your google page normally.

Missing permissions
You do not have access to the account, property, or view. Contact an Analytics administrator who has the Manage Users permission.

The above error occurs when you have deleted a property from your Google Analytics. But after your deleted property is expired in the Trash, this error will not appear.

Step 1: Go to Google Tag Manager.

Step 2: Click on "All Accounts".

Step 3: Click on the "Analytics" button, which is located before the "Tag Manager" button.

Step 4: Choose the property you want to open.

Transfor-orgin of Transform Property in CSS

Transform-orgin Property

Top left
Top Right
bottom left
bottom right

How to create and Link Favicon in HTML

Link favicon in HTML

"Fav" is the abbreviation for "favorite". A favicon, otherwise known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon, is a file containing one or more small icons that are associated with a particular website or web page. Or favicon is a small image or a logo of a website that shows before the title of a page on the browser's tab. It can also be shown when users bookmark your website or save it to their favorites.

You can design your logo and make it transparent where necessary. In my case, I used MS paint to design a simple logo and used Adobe Photoshop to remove background arround the logo and then saved as png file. After that, I google searched "image to favicon converter". Then picked an approprite website to convert image to favicon.

The following code demonstrates how the favicon can be linked. The favicon is added using a <link> tag as shown here in this line: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./images/favicon.ico">

The 'rel="icon"' attribute indicates that the linked resource serves as an icon. The link type is "image" or "x-icon" and this (href="./images/favicon.ico") serves as the path to the favicon file in the root directory.

This is how you can link favicon in html.

How to Reduce the Height of br Tag in HTML

Reduce br Tag's height in HTML

In this post, you will learn how to use a half of <br> tag or reduce the height of a <br> tag, or adjust the height of a line break in HTML. It's so easy and straightforward.

The following code demonstrates how the line-break or <br> tag's height can be adjusted.

You can also use line-height property to adjust the line break's height. But the code above uses margin-bottom property to adjust the height of a line break.

To create line breaks, we have to use <br> tags. I can add <br> tags to create more line breaks but if I wanted to reduce the height of the gap created below a text line, it is a way bigger problem for us. So here in this post, I disclose my little tips and tricks to reduce the height of a line break in HTML.

You can remove <br> tags. Give an id name to an element and start styling it. You can use something like margin-bottom property to adjust the space below a text line. Use margin-top property if you are adjusting the space above a text line. Also make sure to use display: block; When we use display: block;, it automatically creates a line break equivalent to one <br> tag for each text line.

This is how you can adjust the height of a line break in html.

address Tag in HTML

Address Tag in HTML

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We know that HTML has many tags within the <html> tag and the <address> tag is one of them. Each tag carries a different usage and purpose which provides the overall structure, presentation, and functionality of a web page such as text formatting, styling, linking, etc.

Have you ever used an <address> tag? This tag is used to share contact information in an HTML document or on a website.

Definition of an <address> tag

So how do we define an <address> tag?

An <address> tag in HTML is used to define the contact information of an author/owner of a document/article/website. An address element can be a physical address, phone number, link, social media ID, etc. which can be used as contact information. The text inside the <address> element will be rendered in italics. There will be a line break which is equivalent to one <br> tag before and after the <address> element.

Where to use <address> tag

The <address> tag is straightforward and easy to learn. The only thing you need to remember is that whenever you show an address on your web document, make sure your contact information is written within the <address> tag. This will help you improve the structure of your website and may contribute toward a better SEO ranking.

You can keep your contact information or the information about an author or anyone in any part of your web document. It can be at the footer, inside/above/below an article, on a separate page, etc.

Example of an <address> tag:
           Edited by: John Bennet
           From: Washington, D.C.

The CSS of an <address> tag can be written as shown in the <style> tag below:

The <address> tag can also support the Global Attributes & Event Attributes in HTML.


An <address> tag is a simple tag just like any other tags used in HTML and it is used to provide contact information or information of an author/owner for a particular web(HTML) document or documents. It can be used in any part of the HTML. So remember to use the <address> tag whenever you share contact information. I do hope my readers will love this simple blog post. Goodbye for now. Until next time!

A Doctype Declaration in HTML

A Doctype Declaration or Document Type Declaration (DTD): This declaration is always made before the <html> tag. We know that HTML documents are written inside the <html> tag. A <!DOCTYPE> declaration must be written before the HTML documents. This declaration is not an HTML tag but an information to the browser about type of document being used by a website. So to specify the version of HTML, the DTD is used in an HTML document.


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1. DTD in HTML 4.01:

For example, in the past, this declaration (<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//CodeAtHome//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">) was made to ensure the browser that the website was using HTML 4.01 as shown below.

2. DTD in HTML 5:

In HTML 5, the <!DOCTYPE> Declaration has much more simplified. It can be written as <!DOCTYPE html> as shown below. Modern web browsers support HTML5. So it is very feasible to use the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration on every website.

HTML Code for Creating Stylish Moving Texts On Your Blog or Website

Here in this post, I've created some code that can give different styles of moving text. I have also included moving text samples that can assit you to create your own hyperlink on the moving text. The interesting part is that if a user wants to click on a moving text's hyperlink, the user can hover the mouse over the moving text. Upon hovering the mouse, the moving text will automatically stop moving and the user will have a chance to click on the hyperlink.

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1. Basic <marquee> tag :

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2. <marquee> tag without hyperlink:
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3. <marquee> tag with hyperlink:

4. <marquee> tag with border & shading:
5. <marquee> tag with more borders:
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Code for Basic Blogger's Theme/Template

We know that Blogger is a very free plateform but it is not as easy as you may think. You must understand how it works from the ground lavel. The theme provided by the Blogger itself is so good but if you want to advance it further, you must have the knowledge of HTML tags, CSS, JavaScript, etc. However, if you don't like to learn coding, you can simply buy a Blogger theme online or hire a web developer.

baisc blogger theme

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You may start coding the Blogger's theme by using the basic code given below. Copy the code to your blogger's theme and save the theme. Make sure you backup your old theme before making any changes with the code I have provided here in this blog post.

If you use the code given above, the whole blog can be be controlled by you. However, posting from pages and posts will not work. You have to create everything from scratch or else you can add the code given below to the above code to get more blogger options. But you must follow these steps otherwise it may get error. 1. Copy the above code to your blogger theme and save it. 2. Just below the header section, paste the code given below. 3. Save your theme.

It can be appeared as shown below.

US Flag
play button